Guided tour/Artist talk/Workshop


«Action weaver» Travis Meinolf i Berlin, 2010

Lørdag 19. mars kl 14.00


Omvisning i utstillingen Det menneskelige mønster med kurator Marit Paasche. 

Omvisningen foregår på norsk.
Etterfulgt av kunstnersamtale og workshop med Travis Meinolf.
 Dette vil bli holdt på engelsk. Enkel servering.

Travis Meinolf – WARPUP* – Artist’s talk plus weaving.

Self-proclaimed “action weaver” Travis Meinolf is a public textile artist and teacher from San Fransisco,
 currently living and working in Berlin. His practice combines art, craft, education and activism, 
but is based around the production of hand-woven cloth…. Meinolf will talk about his work in relation 
to contemporary performance art, weaving traditions, non-alienated labour, and gift economics; 
he will also demonstrate a hand-built loom produced in Oslo, and visitors will have the opportunity to try their hand at weaving.

Meinolf says: ‘I am engaged in a personal industrial revolution … to present productive labor as an engaging, 
satisfying endeavor, whose products could be shared freely within a community to serve the needs of all of its members.’

Travis Meinolf is participating in our current exhibition The Human Pattern, 
which features the work of Norwegian/Swedish weaver Hannah Ryggen.

This event will be in English.

Refreshments will be served.

Find out more about Travis Meinolf’s practice at

*Weaving As Radical Politics and Utopian Proposition