June 20th–26th 11am–4pm
Borggata 7, 0650 Oslo
Free to join!
Kunsthall Oslo and Prosjektskolen are pleased to announce their first ever joint summer school, a series of free workshops for young people aged 15-26 that offer you the chance to make your own artwork under the guidance of professional artists.
We offer workshops in painting, textile, performance, screenprinting and design, and the results will be exhibited in Prosjektskolen’s exhibition space Barr at the end of the week.
You can sign up for as few or as many workshops as you wish. Sign up for each workshop separately, using the links below.
Programme for the week (some courses overlap):
20th-21st June: Paintings on paper, with the Ethiopian artist Robel Temesgen.
20th-22nd June: Screenprinting workshop with Joakim Thorendahl (Silketrykkets Venner) and artist Jon Benjamin Tallerås.
23rd-24th June: Screenprinting workshop with Joakim Thorendahl (Silketrykkets Venner) and graphic designer Neslihan Ramzi.
22nd-24th June: Performative gestures and public space with artist Hanan Benammar.
24th June: Batikk workshop with textile artist Kiyoshi Yamamoto.
25th-26th June: Exhibition at BARR, Borggata 7.
Today everyone in Norway grows up surrounded by images, and in social media everyone is a producer, as well as a product. Nevertheless, the majority of young people do not think of the art exhibited in museums and galleries as part of their world. The future of visual arts culture in Norway depends on opening up and creating possibilities for young people from all walks of life to take part. This is the context in which Kunsthall Oslo is beginning a long-term project, the Oslo Art and Knowledge Workshop, to develop new collaborations with and opportunities for young people growing up in the local area.
The Oslo Art and Knowledge Workshop is a collaboration with Agenda X and Forandringshuset Grønland. The project has been supported by Arts Council Norway, the Savings Bank Foundation DNB, the Bergesen Foundation and Fritt Ord.