OPEN CALL – Young artists’ summer exhibition
Age: 15–26
Application deadline: 15th May 2022
Opening 17th June 2022
Hey you! Are you an aspiring artist age 15–26? If so, we invite you to apply for this year’s summer exhibition at Kunsthall Oslo! You do not need any artistic experience, just a desire to show something. Each applicant can apply with up to three works; groups can apply through a representative.
The exhibition will preferably show new works, produced during the past two years. Kunsthall Oslo is a not a commercial gallery, but works can be sold during the exhibition period.
All works will be evaluated by our jury. The jury consists of young people between 18-26 with relations to the art field. The jury is responsible for selection and curation; the jury’s decisions must not be substantiated and cannot be reviewed.
The application deadline is 15th May, but we encourage submitting sooner.
Please send images and descriptions (including dimensions) of your work to
In collaboration with Agenda X, Forandringshuset Grønland and Prosjektskolen. Supported by Sparebankstiftelsen DNB, OSU and Fritt Ord.